Zespół Szkół Leśnych w Rucianem-Nidzie

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

Opis projektu

Everyone is now aware: “We can limit global warming. We must act decisively: we have to do more. Climate protection requires the commitment of all of us” (A. Merkel). According to the European Green Deal and the eTwinning topic 2020, our schools are trying to participate in this process too. We believe that through an Erasmus project we can show our students how they can participate actively and efficiently in climate protection, and that humanity’s great problems, the environmental degradation, climate chaos, energy crises as well as quality of life, can be addressed and resolved through collaborations between disciplines and cultures. In particular the students should recognize the geographical, ecological, territorial aspects of the natural and human environment, the connections with the demographic, economic, social and cultural structures and transformations that have taken place in the course of the time; they should learn to respect the biodiversity in environmental systems and use the acquired knowledge to adopt ecologically sustainable behaviour and influence personal choice.
Four schools participate in this project: Adolf-Schmitthenner-Gymnasium Neckarbischofsheim (Germany), the Forestry School in Ruciane-Nida (Poland), the Institute of Higher Education “Enrico Fermi” in Montesarchio (Italy) and the INS Les Aimerigues in Terrassa (Spain).
The target group of our project are students aged 15-17 years. However, our project is for the whole school community, so that the Erasmus project becomes a school project. The subjects related to the project topic are dealt with outside the meetings during the regular lessons in different classes.
Each school can offer different aspects on our topic. According to the project topic, the students will be acting and living consciously in relation to environmental protection.
They will also disseminate the acquired knowledge in their environment (school, family, community) and become a role model for others. In addition, we also expect the students to improve their digital, language and social skills. The teachers involved will enrich their teaching methodologies and acquire knowledge that will still be used long after the end of the project. We are expecting that the new motivating work processes will complement traditional teaching. All produced results as well as work steps and methods will be documented during the project and posted on the eTwinning site. Here they will be freely available to all interested colleagues and they can be used as teaching material.

Tytuł projektu:


Numer umowy:



Mobilności. Orientacyjne daty wyjazdów

4-9 April 2022
The meeting in Neckarbischofsheim will focus on sustainable and healthy nutrition. We intend to introduce our students and their families as well as our Erasmus+ guests to the regional healthy nutrition, food and its production and processing. Thanks to the support of experts, scientifically founded knowledge will be combined with practical tips to promote sustainable nutrition. Our motto is “regional and seasonal”: through rational food choices, the environment is respected by shortening distances and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The students will learn that fruits and vegetables that can mature in their natural habitat are much healthier and taste far better.

3-8 October 2022
In Montesarchio we will choose some weak points of the natural heritage of the territory. After analysing of the real conditions the students should make proposals for recovery and ecological interventions. These proposals will be presented to local management. Particular attention will also be paid to education in the separate collection of waste. Students will be educated to respect the community rules of separate collection and will produce simple products using recycled materials (paper, plastic, wood, aluminium).

13-18 March 2023
The activity in Spain will pivot around a web site that will collect scientific data from our city, Terrassa, and from Barcelona regarding sustainability topics. We will monitor the sustainability programmes that are being activated in Terrassa and Barcelona and will try to show their impact, mainly on health but also in other related aspects as social well-being or economic impact. We will work with these sets of data, then, in order to understand the benefits of a sustainable city and the problems of a non-sustainable one. We will need a variety of methodological approaches to achieve our aims. In addition to “traditional” methods (reading texts, preparing presentations, group work), practical form of teaching will play an important role: the students will texts, preparing presentations, group work), practical form of teaching will play an important role: the students will experiment in an activity-oriented and self-active way.

14-20 May 2023
The main objective of mobility in Ruciane-Nida is to show the richness of Europe’s cultural heritage that is nature, particularly forests. We want to present its role in strengthening the sense of common identity and building the future. Our school is located in a region where there are a huge number of ancient forests In the middle of Piska Forest, by beautiful lakes we will have excellent conditions to analyze the situation of nature, show the important role forests play in the environment as well the healing values of their products.
We will see different types of forests and prepare a comparative exhibition from the photographs. Visiting the Masurian Landscape Park (also by kayaking) and Maskulińskie Forest District we will find out how endangered species in parks are protected. At the Research Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences, we will get acquainted with the work of scientists studying rare species – Polish horse, bison, otter.
Our students attending Secondary School should make decisions about their future, therefore it is important to make students aware of the huge potential heritage contains, and provide additional knowledge about experiences ,showing them that perhaps they can find a way for their future career exploiting their own culture and natural resources. Students of Zespół Szkół Leśnych want to share their passion of forestry with other young people. There will be presented various methods of vocational education including the latest technologies. The participants will be able to work on modern simulators and trainers.
An interesting experience will be participation in unusual hunting. We will shoot archery for artificial animals (archery 3D).
At the end of the meeting in Poland, we will plant the tree together, which will be our symbolic participation in building cultural heritage. The Polish group will have the task of caring for it, which will be an example of the care of young people for cultivating cultural values. The tree will be described with a commemorative plaque with basic information about our project.
The meeting in Poland will take place during the school week and will cover the entire school, i.e. students and teachers along with the staff. The visit will be included in the schedule and each student and teacher will be able to participate in it. The plan of the visit will be set earlier and discussed with the staff, but also the partners will be able to modify it. Some activities such as pine oil producing and culinary workshop will be treated by a Biology and Physics teacher as a scientific experiment.
Art workshops will take place, in which artistic elements will be inspired by elements of nature.
Supporting various activities that include very different skills, we will conduct observations of fauna and flora in the natural environment as a result we expect development of the curiosity and interest of our students to make all students happy and motivated.