Zespół Szkół Leśnych w Rucianem-Nidzie

Get Real Not Virtual But Equal

Opis projektu

Our Project “Get Real not Virtual but Equal” mainly tackles with “Social Media Addiction” and promotes “Media Literacy „and “Equal Consumption of World’s Resources”.
Internet technology today shows a quick progress, and social networks increase their number of users on each day. Especially young people show an intense interest in social media which is an extension of the Internet technology. But is internet safe? Can we trust it? There are dark sides of social media such as cyber bullying, addictive use trolling, online, spreading fake news and abusing privacy of others. It also causes health problems like obesity and mental diseases. As a solution we will promote media literacy so they can learn how they can use social media in a good way. They will learn to think critically, become a smart consumer of products and information, recognize point of view, create media responsibly, identify the role of media in our culture, understand the author’s goal We will also promote Real and Virtual Communication together with their advantages and disadvantages. They will develop their communication skills with outdoor activities, experimental learning activities. In order to deal with health problems that social media causes we will inspire healthy lifestyle.
Five partner schools will share 5 subject topics and plan the activities related to our objectives. we decide the topics according to partner schools’ expertise and experience. Planning to activities, we take into consideration of our project priorities.
Subject Topics and Schools:
  1. Healthy Life Style – Zespół Szkół Leśnych (Poland) will promote healthy lifestyle
  2. Real and Virtual Communications – Namık Kemal Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey) will promote communication skills
  3. Slow Food Movement – EIISS C. Marchesi (Italy) promote equal consumption of world resources
  4. Social Media Addiction – AMAR TERRA VERDE LDA (Portugal)will promote effects of Social Media Addiction, dark side of the internet and give information about Eco-Schools.

Tytuł projektu:


Numer umowy:



Mobilności. Orientacyjne daty wyjazdów

24 – 30 October 2021, Turkey
Namık Kemal High, Turkey will host first visit. First, we will promote our project objectives and subject topics in general and discuss details about our future mobilities and activities. Each partner school coordinator teachers will inform about their work and discuss results. After all Turkish school will promote real and virtual communication skills, advantages and disadvantages of virtual world. Our main objective is make our students more social and promote face to face communication, team work. Main activities are:


  1. Workshop – Preparing Leaflets of Get Real not Virtual but Equal to promote its objectives and activity plan. Each group will prepare a leaflet, PTT slyats and present them.
  2. Real World versus Virtual World workshop – Debate over Real or Virtual World and Communication.
  3. Hobby garden activity – Students will pick and plant crops. they will learn how they can plant crops. Salad competition. Each partner school will prepare salad using crops picked from hobby garden. Most delicious salad will be selected by commission of students.
  4. Promoting activities related to Turkish Cuisine, Art, Music, Dance, Sports and Games – Students will get information about Turkish culture and experience them. There will be activities about preparing Turkish meals, doing Marble Art, dancing Turkish folk dance, playing games and doing sports.

Expected results for Participants:
– will get information about general project topics and detailed activity plan
– will learn difference between real and virtual communication
– will develop their communication skills
– will develop their agriculture intelligence
– will plant organic crops
– will learn and experience Turkish Culture
– will strengthen democracy

27 March – 2 May 2022, Portugal
Our school is Eco School as well so we are going to promote eco school projects. The main activities:
Breaking the ice activities – quiz game aiming to make the participants know each other and remove barriers in order to ensure group cohesion. Giving information about Eco School projects. Activity/Lesson for students on Smart Phone addiction with students
Quiz on social media
Lecture on Social media addiction on schools with a scholar or specialist on the effects of social media on students
Mobile less Outdoor activity – “the life exists after the battery ends…” – this activity will occur in a natural spot and it will be held with no mobile phones whatsoever, that will be gathered by the organisers before the activity and given back after it. Participants will learn how they can get rid of social media addiction. And they will share their experiences with their school community. Each participant will be involved in all activities. Teachers will adapt the activities to their extracurricular and curricular activity plan.

25 April – 1 May 2022, Italy
ISS C. Marchesi is a school that experienced in chemistry, bio-technology and micro-biology and deepening methods about environmental dynamics, energy environment interactions and their polluting impact. We will share our experience with our partner schools. During activity visit in Italy there will be cultural activities besides project subject activities.
The main activities:
– Visit to the laboratories and lesson on the proper behavior of the laboratories and safety rules.
– Visit to the city of Catania, the historic center, the main monuments, the Catania street food (Visit to the fish market of Porta Uzeda and Palazzo Biscari, Visit to Taormina)
– Group activities on the main environmental problems linked to the climate. How much CO2 does an ocean liner produce? And how much does an intensive chicken farm produce?
– Visit to the Etna area, typical crops, animal farms, orchards and citrus groves, processing plants.
– Laboratory activities at school. Animal proteins. Do the different types of meat contain different proteins? How much protein does our body need to be healthy?
– Cooking workshop. The preparation of traditional Sicilian dishes with the use of zero-kilometer ingredients
Participants will get information about environmental problems linked to climate, animal proteins and its importance. Participants will get information about Italian culture, Etna area, Catania city, Catania street food. Participants will take part in Cook workshop so they will learn preparing traditional Sicilian dishes. Participants will learn about what zero-kilometer ingredients is and its importance. Sicily has an ancient culinary tradition that embraces and condenses all the traditions of the peoples who have inhabited it over the centuries, such as the Greeks,Arabs, Normans, Spaniards, French. This mixture of very different traditions has given rise to very rich dishes such as cassata, but also to very poor dishes that use only local products. The best, tastiest and healthiest Sicilian cuisine is the one that uses poor ingredients grown in the area. Seeing the realization of these dishes, the production of the ingredients and especially tasting them, the students will be able to realize that an excellent lunch can be created from simple local ingredients, from their territory, with few animal proteins and an abundance of vegetable foods, with evident benefit for the environment and for our health. Seeing the realization of these dishes, the production of the ingredients and especially tasting them, the students will be able to realize that an excellent lunch can be created from simple local ingredients, from their territory, with few animal proteins and an abundance of vegetable foods, with evident benefit for the environment and for our health.

22 – 28 May 2022, Poland
The mobility “Close to Nature” in Poland, Ruciane-Nida will be concentrated on outdoors activities to make participants aware of values of our environment. On the one hand, the programme of this mobility will focus on confirming that opening for real life is the necessity of our times, including interesting environmental experiences.
On the other hand, participants will approach to traditional games and sports, topic that will allow students to compare the diversity of possibilities. Our school is located in a region where there are a huge number of ancient forests In the middle of Piska Forest, by beautiful lakes there will be excellent conditions to develop the project. We want to show the important role all elements of the nature such as forests, lakes, rivers play in the young people’s activization. Participants will be involved in the following activities in order to learn and experiment with the topics mentioned: Students of Zespół Szkół Leśnych want to share their passion of natural sports with other young people. We will present our school archery club with its unique 3D archery. The participants will be able to learn about history of this sport, the main rules and eventually practise with bows. An interesting experience will be participation in unusual hunting. We will shoot archery for artificial animals (archery 3 D) The Masurian Landscape Park is an amazing place to go kayaking and admiring rare species in their natural habitats. Their managements enthusiastically addressed our project and declared far-reaching help and cooperation. Another sports activities are water sports on Nidzkie Lake (yachts, pedal boats, motor boats) and orienteering. Orienteering is our specialty as our club has practised this sport for 8 years with significant successes, such as European Foresters Championship in 2016, 2017 and 2019. The meeting in Poland will take place during the school week and will cover the entire school, i.e. students and teachers along with the staff. The visit will be included in the schedule and each student and teacher will be able to participate in it. The plan of the visit will be set earlier and discussed with the staff, but also the partners will be able to modify it. The IT activities will be followed by our expert staff.